STEM Bins® Quick Writes

(15 customer reviews)
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English Language Arts, Math, Writing

Grade Levels
Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

Resource Type
Activities, Fun Stuff, Printables

File Type
PDF (Acrobat) Document File
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4 MB|32 pages

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The following Quick Writes are designed to accompany my STEM Bins®, found at the following link:


The following Quick Writes are designed to be used as simple literacy and math extensions to accompany my original STEM Bins product. Both lower grade and upper grade options are provided.

Quick Writes for STEM Bins™ should be copied for students and placed near an easily accessible STEM Bins™ display area. Papers can be placed inside hanging folders in a crate or file box as shown in the preview photo, placed in a pocket chart, or divided into plastic drawers. Labeled tabs for activity choices are provided for you to adhere to your organizational system. You may choose to display as few or as many Quick Write options as you’d like to meet your students’ needs and may choose to assign specific activities. You may also choose to change out Quick Write options weekly or monthly.

For most Quick Write activities, two leveled options are provided, one simple
option with dotted lines that is most appropriate for Kindergarten, First
Grade, and early Second Grade and one option that is more appropriate for advanced Second Grade and upper grades. Additional options at the end of
the file are provided specifically for upper grade students in grades 3-5.

Includes the following:

Page 4: Display poster
Page 5-6: File Labels

Page 7: Draw and Label
Pages 8-9: Wonderful Words (two line options)
Pages 10-11: Super Sentences (two line options)
Pages 12-13: Step by Step (two options)
Page 14: Compare and Contrast
Pages 15-16: Easy and Tricky (two options)
Pages 17-18: Make it Useful (two options)
Pages 19-20: Better and Better (two options)
Pages 21-22: Change and Rearrange (two options)
Page 23: Finding Facts (recommended for 2nd Grade and up)
Page 24: Parts of Speech (recommended for 2nd Grade
and up)

Page 25: Count and Measure
Page 26: Strength Test
Pages 27-28: Shape Hunt (two options)
Page 29: Lines and Angles (recommended for 3rd-5th Grade)
Page 30: Perimeter and Area (recommended for 3rd-5th Grade)
Page 31: 3D Properties (recommended for 3rd-5th Grade)
Page 32: Credits

⇒Terms of Use
©Brooke Brown, LLC at Teach Outside the Box
By purchasing and/or downloading this electronic file, you agree to the terms of use as stated below. For personal use/single classroom use only. No part of this document may be distributed, posted on the internet, copied, sold, or edited without direct permission from the author. Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Act. To purchase additional sharing licenses, please visit my store. All contents of this document are under copyright protection including all text, graphics, contents, and fonts. All graphics and fonts are also protected by copyright from their original author/artist.

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15 reviews for STEM Bins® Quick Writes

  1. Cuppa Special Tea

    Brooke, seriously – – this is amazing. I can’t think of a single way to improve this resource unless you had it hand delivered to me by Chris Pratt. The differentiation in this resource is off the charts and works well for ALL of my students in my special needs classroom. It’s the perfect addition to the STEM Bins resource. Thank you SO much (but please consider the Chris Pratt idea). -Cuppa Special Tea

  2. Liz R.

    I use this resource with my enrichment group. I wanted to start incorporating writing and this is the perfect resource. My students LOVE STEM bins. I love this addition to the bins. -Liz R.

  3. Jennifer Aluise

    Thank you for helping me integrate writing into my STEM bins. It has been a great way to make sure my kids are enjoying writing and I am able to reflect upon the student’s learning. -Jennifer Aluise

  4. Alysia B.

    What better way to incorporate writing then to add it to STEM! As always, your resources are spot on! Thank you so much for such great ideas 🙂 -Alysia B.

  5. Yolanda S.

    These quick write activities are fantastic. Sometimes my students struggle to write because they feel writing is tedious but not with these activities. -Yolanda S.

  6. Natalie H.

    Thank you so much for creating this. This helps with the growth mindset of the students to allow them to see their thoughts written down. The simplicity of putting this together is even better. -Natalie H.

  7. Lisa K.

    Just started using these last week and the kids are hooked! Everything this seller makes is 100% engaging and easy to start using right away! The kids love it all! -Lisa K.

  8. Stacey B.

    This resource was super helpful. One of my biggest goals this year was adding student reflection and writing to my makerspace. Thank you! -Stacey B.

  9. Vernella G.

    I love, love, love this product! My 1st grader is transitioning to second grade and we will still be able to use the quick writes! I purchased the STEAM box labels, so we use the boxes and quick writes together for the ultimate learning experience. -Vernella G.

  10. Kimberly Z.

    We used these in the afternoon during our science time. Students loved using these to explain what they were doing and what they were thinking while working on our STEM. I loved that these helped them put into words their thoughts about the hands-on work they did using our STEM bins. -Kimberly Z.

  11. K C.

    Great way to have students record a couple of thoughts, or make a booklet for in depth recording. Quick and easy for students to fill out. -K C.

  12. Mariah B.

    I used this along with STEM BINS. It was a way I would check and see that they had a plan for what they were building. It helped them explain their thinking and I had so much fun watching them do it! -Mariah B.

  13. aysia M.

    These were fantastic. My students loved using the STEM Bins, and these were the perfect complement to them. They’re not too hard or easy- they are just the right amount of engaging. Love it. -aysia M.

  14. Lyndsay Beall

    My students love STEM bins and this has been a great resource to help them bring that excitement to writing. I use these during my Language Arts centers and students get so excited when it’s a STEM bins day! -Lyndsay Beall

  15. Sheila W.

    I love the differentiated materials – they can be used to reach students on different levels within one classroom, and also across different grades. Great ideas! THANK YOU! -Sheila W.

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